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Global Ideas Institute  

2011-12 Mentor Profiles

Mark Anderson | Bev Bradley | Nick Buffo | Hormuz Dadabhoy | Kristen Dahl | Andrew Do | Supriya Joshi | Nessa Kenny | Sara Lee | Mimi Liu | Erik MacKinnon | Robert Meynell | Danielle Pacey | Casey Panning | Richard Park | Rufina Park | Emman Rahman | Jashpreet Sain | Lindsey Spencer | Kerry Sun | Sean Verigin

Bev Bradley is a second year PhD student in the Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) whose home department is Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. She holds an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship for doctoral studies. Before joining CGEN, Bev completed a BASc in Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo (2006) and an MASc in Biomedical Engineering at Carleton University (2008). After her master’s she worked for the UK Medical Research Council in The Gambia, West Africa, as a research assistant in the Biomedical Engineering department. Bev has worked in several other healthcare and research settings, including the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, the Grand River Regional Cancer Centre, and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. She has also been a member of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) since 2003, for which she coordinated the Carleton chapter’s School Outreach Program in 2007 – 2008. Bev was a Program Assistant for the Shad Valley program in July 2009 and enjoys volunteering for activities promoting women in engineering.